Left Behind’ author Jenkins banks on power of story for new Christian thriller.

Author Jerry Jenkins, whose “Left Behind” novels sold more than 80 million copies, goes back to biblical themes with “Dead Sea Conspiracy,” releasing Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022. (Image courtesy of Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins, co-author of the megaselling “Left Behind” series of apocalyptic novels, expresses a firm belief in his evangelical faith — and in the power of fiction to communicate biblical themes.

“Jesus used fiction, and you can’t get a better example than Jesus,” Mr. Jenkins, 72, said in a video interview with The Washington Times.

“I believe the parables were fiction. Some people argue with that, but you know [Jesus] was telling earthly stories with heavenly meanings, people say, and made his points that way and I think that’s a good example.”

If anyone can chart the impact of popular fiction in the Christian world, Mr. Jenkins might well be at the head of the list.

The “Left Behind” books, co-written with the late preacher Tim LaHaye, sell 15,000 copies a month, on top of the 80 million sold so far, Mr. Jenkins said.

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